What times they were. And how brief. I have no complaints. I made a shed-load of dosh in a very short space of time. In case you’re interested I’m still on Makersplace, under the name of Xilofon. If requested I can ‘mint’ any of my works for you, still or moving, to enjoy exclusive ownership of.

WINDY MAN - Thriller I created this fellow 13 years ago. He appears ‘In they’re Naked and They dance’, but he never made me any money until NFT’s were invented. Here he demonstrates his Michael jackson moves. Thrilling. (This has been sold so you can’t own it).

VLADIMIR Hero of the Soviet Union. He impacts our lives to the present day. A shame our leaders cannot understand the essential rule of politics. Get on with your neighbour. Geography is all. Music by Roman Snow

MURDER HOTEL The guests check in, but they don’t check out. This NFT is based on a scene from ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’.

WINDY MAN as Boris Johnson as QAnon Shaman Boris is quite a performer. He has a bigger dick than most of us. But then he rides a bike so I’m not jealous really. (This has been sold so you can’t own it).

ANGELA Probably the best of all European leaders in the past 75 years. She and Vlad were a pair.

DONALD TRUMP - Christmas Special Here I offer my super-classical movie of President-for-life Donald Trump. It never sold.

THE BLOOD CLOCK Another NFT based on a scene from ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’. The water clock I saw in Rome. I recreated it in Maya 3D.