
I rarely make documentary movies. Here are three. ‘Dogs’ was one of my first efforts, ‘PIG’ perhaps the most authentic. ‘Stay Cool’ arose from rage at the horrors inflicted upon Gaza. It is not pleasant to watch. The image in the above banner was taken in Leeson Street, Belfast, in 1970 when Internment Without Trial was introduced in Northern Ireland. I was a press photographer on that occasion. The kids must all be in their sixties now; if they are still alive.

DOGS My father took me to the White City Dog Track when I was a nipper. I returned decades later to make this film. Thanks for the inspiration Dad. You can call this a dog-umentary.

PIG Once upon a time pigs were butchered this way. The pigs, lucky beasts, were only fed organic products. I was forbidden to give them contaminated supermarket food. These days it’s all done by inhumane factory farming. It had a million views on YouTube. I’ve always wondered, why?

STAY COOL - WAR IS COMING The airborne assaults on Gaza horrify me. I made this movie based on the images of dead Palestinian children I found on the web. The slaughter does not stop. Europe does nothing to help. This is a deeply unsettling movie. Do not watch if you’ve just eaten lunch. I made the music.